JAPAN EDGE- Exploring Japan News, Culture and Beyond with Local Perspectives and Analysis

"Children's Day" or "Boy's Day"? - The Ideals Set for Boys and Girls

The Edge, Inc. Season 1 Episode 10

Today, we delve into a cultural phenomenon that's deeply rooted in Japan's traditions and customs: Children's Day, celebrated on May 5th.

Historically, this day has been synonymous with honoring boys' well-being, a tradition dating back centuries. Meanwhile, girls have their special day on March 3rd, known as Hinamatsuri.

As we explore the origins and evolution of these traditions, we're faced with an unavoidable observation, that  a noticeable gender divide persists. Despite official declarations, May 5th remains predominantly associated with boys, while Hinamatsuri is designated for girls.

Let's embark on this journey together, examining how these holidays have evolved over time, while certain critical aspects remain preserved. 

Today's opening & ending song:
"Haru-wa-Tokete", by Indigo La End

*There is no association between the song and the content of this podcast.